Introduction: Control LED Board by Phone With NodeMCU ,ESP8266 and MAX7219
I want to use phone to control the LED board as a turning signal. So, the ESP8266 will act as an Access Point, microcontroller and also a server. The web server will have a simple webpage with 3 buttons: Turn LEFT, Turn RIGHT, and Turn SOS. The text will scroll on the LED boards. For the code, I’ve test two well maintenance libraries which are Arduino Core WiFi and ESP8266WebServer. The Core WiFi does not have good request handling function. So I need to use ‘client.readStringUntil(\r)’ to read request and it is very slow. Then, I switch to ESP8266WebServer library and it runs well.
Step 1: Connect the LED Board to 5V Power Supply
Step 2: Wiring
Wiring PINs from MAX7219 to the NodeMCU
VCC - 5v
DIN - D7 - MOSI - GPIO 13
CS - D8 - GPIO 15
CLK - D5 - GPIO 14
Step 3: Choose Your LED Board Name
In this example, I use FC16_HW. Read more here
Step 4: Setting Up Arduino IDE
This is for NodeMCU 12E
Step 5: Setting Up WiFi AP
Step 6: Handle Request With Each Void Function
Step 7: Upload My Code
Remember to change the pins, hardware type
My code: