Introduction: Crochet Olympic Rings Charm/Pendant
I love Olympic Games and their symbols, the Olympic Rings. In 2004 I bought an Italian charm bracelet with Olympic and Greek flags, but I always wanted a pendant. When I saw Lindarose's Crochet Ring Coasters, I thought I could finally do the pendant myself!
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Step 1: Materials
What you'll need:
- 5 rings
- crochet
- scrap of cotton thread (blue, yellow, black, green and red)
- yarn needle
- 2 little rings and chain (optional)
Because I didn't have rings that were good for this work, I did them myself using the method I've described in my DIY rings 'ible.
Step 2:
As for the Lindarose's coaster, start with a slip stitch and crochet single stitch all around the ring. Finish with a slip stitch.
Crochet all the 5 rings.
Step 3:
Sew the rings together on the back, keeping in mind the place the colours have in the Olympic flag.
I sewed with the same thread I used for the crochet work, but maybe it could be better if you do it with normal cotton thread for sewing.
Step 4: Finish!
Add to little rings in the upper sc of blue and red rings. This way you can link a chain to do a pendant. If you put only one ring, you can use it as a keychain. The keyring could be linked directly to one of the rings :)
Edit: I've decided to take off the rings and put a piece of black thread in the back of the rings, so the necklace is finished without a chain.