Introduction: DIY Hair Bobble Big
My sister and I made some hair bobbles and we thought that we would post a toturial. It was very fun to do and you can do it any color you like.
What you need:
- fabric of any kind
- elastic band (the fabric kind)
- sewing machine
- thread and needles
Step 1: Preparing
Cut your fabric in the shape of a rectangel. You can cut it any size you want but mine was 10cm x 25cm. Sow all around the edge so it doesn't unravel.
Step 2: Tricky Sewing Part
Sew from one end to the other leaving about 2cm in each end. I forgot the part about leaving the 2cm and it is very important so please don't make the same mistake. It's all illustrated in the pictures.
Step 3: Inside Out
Turn your tube inside out.
Step 4: Connecting Ends
Take the ends of your tube and connect them using the two flat sides. Make sure that the are connected by the outsides and NOT the insides.
Step 5: The Elastic Part
Take your fabric elastic band, decide your length and add 1cm. Cut it in that length and stuff it inside the tube. You might want to use a safty pin to make things easier as shown i the pictures. Finaly sew the elastic band together.
Step 6: Finishing Up
Stitch up the hole by hand.
Done! :D