Introduction: DIY Hay Rack for Little Pets
Hello Instructables,
This is my first Instructable, my english its not very good, then sorry.
In this instructable you will see how to make a Wood Hay Rack for little pets, for example rabbits or guinea pigs (I have two guinea pigs).
Step 1: Materials
First, the materials list, you need:
- A Plywood piece.
- Pen, pencil or marker.
- A rule (Squad).
- Dremel (I have a Dremel 4000 with the cut attachment and accessories).
- Hanger.
Step 2: Make the Sides and Base
To make the pieces use a Dremel and a wood mill, for the sides use the form of the squad, I use a 15cm Squad you can change the size if you needed.
Step 3: Paste the Sides and Base
Its simply, paste the pieces like the images using wood glue.
Step 4: Create the Front Area
The front area is a tree little wood pieces, because this is where your pets eat the hay.
Step 5: Use the Hanger
Cut the hanger in two pieces and then make a 90 degrees angle with the pieces, make a little hole in the rack and put the hanger into the hole (paste with wood glue).
Step 6: Finish
And this is the result, you have a hay rack for your little pets.