Introduction: DIY Small Dining Room Table
I'm trying something a little different to my other published projects. For this table, I recorded the entire build process so you can see exactly how I made it. Hopefully this helps people who prefer to see how the project actually comes together rather than look at pictures of the process.
That said, I will run through some basics that are not covered in the video such as dimensions of the table, If you make something similar I would imagine most will alter the dimensions to suit your space.
I was inspired to make this table after seeing this one on instructables:
The frame I have basically copied, the top I have changed to suit my taste but uses the same type of look.
The table is made in three parts: The first is the frame, second the MDF support & third the diagonal pattern on top.
The table is a square measuring 930mm x 930mm. The frame that supports it is 50mm smaller on all sides. It's 720mm from floor to surface. With the frame made from 45mm X 75mm soft wood, there is a comfortable gap when sitting on a standard chair. The legs are again softwood (70mm x 70mm) and cut at 700mm lengths. To finish the table edge, I used 35mm width dado. Total cost to build was around $100 AUD.
Step 1:
If you have watched the video, most of the build process is self explanatory. There are a couple points to note however.
1. To make the top pattern, I used a 3mm thick large sheet of plywood. This was cut on a table saw (Lost the footage so it's not in the final video). You could achieve the same results using a circular saw with the guide. I purchased tester pots of the paint as it was watered down so much a full tin would have been wasted. The finished pieces were randomly placed first, then I used wood glue to adhere them to the MDF under structure.
2. I used a circular saw to trim all the edges perfectly rather than try to cut every single piece to the correct length. Way, way faster.
3. The trim around the edge is there for practical and aesthetic reasons. It covers the joint between the MDF and the plywood sheets - Practical. It finishes off the table for a more professional look - Aesthetics.
4. I sprayed the entire thing with a clear coat sealer in a can then lightly sanded with a tiny spray of water. I let this dry then cleaned the residue off. This fills in the grain and the gaps ensuring that food and liquids don't cause issues down the line.
All in all, a great little table that was easy to put together in 3, two hour sessions. Another money saving tip I found was that because the plywood is soft, you can use a cheaper hand powered pin nailer in place of a compressor and air nail gun.