Introduction: Darn Those Jeans

About: Can't sit still. If my hands are not busy I'm not happy. Love trying new foods.
This is a quick easy way to bring back some life to jeans. this is especially helpful when school has a policy agains holy jeans.

Step 1:

You will need  

small scrap of fabric slightly bigger than hole matching the jeans
stitch witchery or some other iron on adhesive
sewing machine

Step 2:

Clean up the rip or hole from all extra threads. Leave the ones that are attached on 2 sides.

Step 3:

Trim scrap of fabric to about 1/2" larger than hole on all sides. Place iron on adhesive in the center of fabric.

Step 4:

Place the adhesive to the wrong side of jeans and iron in place. Use a cloth to cover the hole to be sure the adhesive doesn't damage jeans. 

Step 5:

Take the jeans to the sewing machine with thread as close to the jeans color as possible. Begin to stitch with a darning stitch if your machine has one or a multiple step zig zag stitch. Run back and forth over the hole multiple passes. 

Step 6:

Turn your work and sew back and forth again.  The object is to create "fabric" from the thread. 

Step 7:

All fixed! You really have to look for it.