Introduction: Delicious Overnight Oats

About: I love biking, hiking, nature, puppies, and coffee!

Every morning, I have the best of intentions to wake up and eat breakfast, but the reality is I'd much rather hit my snooze button & sleep for an extra 10 minutes. So, every day, I go to work hungry, then am "hangry" by 10am and want to eat everything in sight.


Overnight oats!! This is a simple recipe that you can prep at night, then just grab-and-go when you're headed out for the day. The best part? It keeps you full for a long time and there are so many ways to vary this recipe that you won't get sick of it!

Let me know your recipe variations in the comment section :) I'm always looking for ways to change this up!

Step 1: Ingredients

Your ingredient list will vary, but the base of this recipe is:

- 1/2 a heaping cup of Rolled oats (not instant or steel cut). You can play with this ratio after deciding what consistency you'd prefer

- 1/2 cup Milk (I prefer Almond Milk, but you can use regular, Soy, or Coconut Milk as well)

- 1/3 cup Yogurt (I prefer to use Greek Yogurt to add some texture and creaminess)

Toppings include:






Flax seeds

Chia seeds


Vanilla Extract

Hazelnut Chocolate Butter

Agave syrup

The list goes on!!

You'll also want to buy some glass mason jars. Pictured are pint sized jars, but you can re-use old tupperware or spaghetti sauce jars as well!

Step 2: Mix and Prep!

Add your rolled oats, milk, and yogurt, and stir.

If you want your seeds and flavors mixed in, you can add those as well instead of using them as a topper.

Step 3: Create Your Perfect Breakfast!

My four combinations of choice have been:

Cranberry, Orange, Almond and Vanilla Extract Oats

Raspberry and Hazelnut Chocolate Oats

Banana, Raspberry and Chia Seed Oats

Almond, Flax and Cinnamon Oats

Step 4: Refrigerate Overnight, Stir, and ENJOY!

Toss on any remaining fruit that you have in your fridge, stir, and enjoy!