Introduction: Dr. Pepper Sodacan Planter
This is the present I made for a fanatically pepper addict.
You'll need;
- Empty soda can with a brand-name that has a link with the plant.
- Can opener.
- A plant that you can buy or grow from a seed (this is a pepper plant, probably Habenero that i grew from a seed taken from a yellow pepper).
- Soil and a form of fertilizer. (I use coffee dirt and eggshells)
Step 1: The Plant
Buy or grow (pepper) plants.
I took the seeds from a yellow pepper. Planted them and waited till they had four or more leaves.
As a fertilizer I use a lot of reusable products like eggshells, coffie/thee dirt, the cooked water from eggs or rice etc.
Waring: wash your hand when you take the seeds from peppers and don't rub your eyes. It will hurt!
Step 2: Cut It Open
Cut off the lit from the can.
Step 3: Get Your Hands Dirty
Put the soil in the can and plant your pepper.
Be gentle whit the roots and It'll grow to be a beautiful plant that produces tasty peppers.
Behold you're own Pepper plant in a can!
Do you know any other funny brands with the same name as a plant and that has (soda) cans? Please let me know ;)