Introduction: Dr. Richtofen's Magpul PDR Mod

About: ''Do or do not, there is no try.'' -Master Yoda-
Hi and welcome to my new instructable (slideshow.) yesterday I built Dr.'s PDR and decided that I wanted to make it shoot. It came out pretty well, nothing special though.

Lets get to some pros and cons shall we?

- Very comfy
- Nice and compact
- Non piece consuming
- Fires pretty well (not measured)

-  Uses at least one broken piece for the mech.
- Front grip is a little wobbly
- inconsistent range
- the bullets are smaller than the mag, this sometimes causes problems

If you want me to post it please tell me.

I give credit to:
- Dr. Richtofen -> his gun
- TheDunkis -> his front grip
- Seleziona -> his trigger mech.

Thats all, and remember to comment.
(Rating is up to you.)