Introduction: Foam Rocket With Launcher
Hi, in this tutorial i want show you how you build a rocket from a swim noodle and
a Rocket launcher from a Pango.
Step 1: Tools and Materials
Hot Glue Gun
Dremel Tool
Hobby Knife
Cable Duct "Drill"
Pool Noodle
Cable Duct
The "Drill" is a jagged piece of cable duct.
Step 2: Cut the Foam
Cut the Foam to the desired length and
dremel the tip to a round shape.
(in my case the length of a Nerf Titan Rocket)
Step 3: The Tail Fins
Step 1
Cut a piece at the desired length of the noodle and cut lengthwise slices from it.
Step 2
Cutting triangles from the slices.
Step 4: The Rocket Body
Take the previously cut piece of noodle (step 2) and cut 3 grooves for the tail fins.
Then drill the hole for the Rocket launcher in the middle of the body.
(Make sure that you do not drill too deep)
Step 5: Attach the Tail Fins
Hot Glue the tail fins in the Grooves.
Step 6: The Rocket Launcher
The Rocket is ready, now comes the Rocket Launcher.
Take the Pango and glue the piece of cable duct on the nozzle as launcher tube.
Step 7: Launch the Rocket
Here is an older version of it for the Nerf Titan.