Introduction: Arduino Nano Clock With Adaptive Brightness Using Prototype PCB From

About: electronics ,arduino,iot,diy,raspberry pi,gsm,esp32 etc

Everyone wanted a clock that shows time and date together So,

In this project I’ll show you how you can build an arduino nano clock with adaptive brightness using RTC and a design PCB from jlcpcb.

Step 1: Arduino Nano Clock Features

1. Shows the time time and together. swithes every three seconds.

2.Adaptive brightness,i.e this clock will adjust the brightness of display according to outside light condition.

3. Easily Visible ,Due adaptive brightness it is easily visible to day as well as in night.

4.No need to set time and date everytime when power goes off. RTC takes care of correct time and date.

5.Easy to assemle, by using nextpcb's PCB it is very easy to make it.

Step 2: PCB for the Project.

To build this project, I’ve designed a PCB for the Arduino nano board and RTC.

I’ve designed the shield to be a compact digital clock. The PCB has a lot of features so that it can suit a lot of different projects for different applications; you can also attach bluetooth module to display data ; In fact, I didn’t use all the PCB features in this project.

The RTC module is a very interesting addition to the shield, you no need to set time everytime when power goesoff.

Step 3: Parts Required

To assemble the circuit on a breadboard you need the following parts:

  1. Arduino nano
  2. RTC Module
  3. LDR
  4. LED matrix
  5. 1K Resistor
  6. PCB Board from jlcpcb
  7. Female Header

Step 4: Schematic

After gathering all the needed parts, you can assemble the circuit by following the above schematic diagram:

Step 5: Designing the PCB

After making sure the circuit was working properly, use any online or offline tool to design your pcb,

I won’t explore how I’ve designed the PCB, but I provide all the files if you want to modify the PCB for yourself. Click here to download the GERBER project files.

Step 6: Ordering the PCBs

You don’t need to know how to design the PCB to order one. You just have to:

  1. To download the Gerber files, click here to download the .zip file.
  2. Go, click the “QUOTE NOW” button, and upload the .zip file you’ve just downloaded.
  3. Select the parameters of yours PCB like....

the solder-mask, silkscreen, copper,Quantity, Surface Finish, Electrical Test,etc.

With the default settings, you can order 10 PCBs for just $2. However, if you want to select other settings like a different PCB Color it will cost you a few more dollars. When, you’re happy with your order. Click the “SAVE TO CART” button to complete the order. After calculating the price.

My PCBs took 1 day to be manufactured and they arrived in 5 business days using DHL delivery option.

Step 7: Soldering the Components

The next step was soldering the components to the PCB,

Now place every components in the soldier mask of PCB board and soldire everything properly,

Use female header for the Arduino nano and RTC module so you can able to reuse these components.

The Above figure shows how the PCB looks like after soldering all the components.

Step 8: Code

When your hardware is ready connect the clock to your computer to upload the code,

Download the needed code given to the link, and upload that in your arduino nano clock, after selecting the right board and port. Click here for code ...Arduino nano clock

Step 9: Ready to Use

Now our Clock is ready to use , you can use it anywhere

  • In office
  • In School
  • In home
  • In bedroom etc

So order your own PCB board from NextPCB and your own project

Step 10: Choosing the Best PCB Manufacturer

China, without a doubt make great PCBs, they are the leading manufacturers of PCBs in the world.

But when it comes to choosing a right manufacturer to build the PCBs for your electronics project, be it for a hobby project or professional, you need make sure that you have chosen the best manufacturer of PCBs because there are many PCB manufacturing companies in china and one of the best and advanced PCB manufacturing companies are NextPCB.

NextPCB specialize in the PCB production technology with advanced factories and professional employees.

NextPCB doesn’t charge for building your prototype PCB, it is free.
That is a good thing, because incase you mess up the prototype, it will not lose you money.

Step 11: Here Are Some Reasons for Choosing NextPCB.

  • Full E-test for each PCB
  • Worldwide shipping
  • PCB Fabrication
  • Fast lead time as 24 hours.
  • Yamaha Pick & Place Machine populating.
  • Components and Parts sourcing.SMT & Through Hole Assembly with Wave Soldering.
  • All PCB and Assembly done in-house.
  • PCB and Assembly Quantity Assurance 60 days.
  • 100% E-test and Functional Testing Support
  • 24 Hours Non-stop Tech Support and Production.
  • One-on-one sales assistance.

The advanced factories of NextPCB is capable to build your orders with latest PCB technologies.

So to get yourself the best and cost effective PCB building services with free prototype and world class quality products, just contact NextPCB.