Introduction: Homemade Fishing Rod
Any on the go fisherman knows that transporting your gear is already frustrating--even without a 7-foot rod poking you in the back of your head for the entire trip. The simplest solution seems to be not to bring your rod. You convince yourself that the lake is going to be dried up, and the fish are probably gone this time of year. You get to your location, and there it is: a beautiful, deep lake that you just know is filled to the brim with fish. So what do you do? Of course you drive as fast as you can to the local Walmart and purchase a rod. The problem with this is that even the cheapest rod is pretty expensive, and you know in the back of your head that you are just going to have to leave it there when you leave. So why even bother? I asked myself the same question, and came up with a design for a cheap, easy to make transportible rod. Perfect for the recreational fisherman.
Materials: Two pant hangers with removable cardboard tube, Duct tape (a necessity for any project), an unsharpened pencil,and fishing line (any amount that you think that you need; this design is pretty good, but it's still homade, meaning less is more.)
Materials: Two pant hangers with removable cardboard tube, Duct tape (a necessity for any project), an unsharpened pencil,and fishing line (any amount that you think that you need; this design is pretty good, but it's still homade, meaning less is more.)
Step 1:
Step 1. look deep into the back of your closet for two pant hangers with the cardboard tube atached. Remove the tubing and discard the wire. tape the tubings together at the top, middle, and bottom. You could tape it more to make it stronger but it isn't necassary.
Step 2:
Step 2. About two inches above the writing part of the pencil notch a line that goes around it. Make it deep enough to hold your line start, but not so deep that it will brake the pencil. Then tie your fishing line around the notch and secure it by wraping a small piece of duct tape around it. Now string your line all the way through the top tubing. Now put your notched pencil in the lower tube on the same side you started stringing the rod on. Make sure that the duct taped part is sticking out.
Step 3:
Step 3. Now you can put on the bait of your choice to the newly stringed line. Now with your bait on begin twisting your pencil. the line should begin to reel in. If it's not reeling that most likely means that theres to much slack on the line. You can fix this by tying the knot on the pencil a bit tighter and firmley wrapping the tape around it again.
Step 4:
Step 4. The cast is the most inportant part of this rod. To cast it pull out the pencil and hold it in your hand. Then flick the rod in the desired direction. To reel in put the pencil back in and twist it. In the event that your catch a fish, pulling on the pencil will substitute for flicking the rod.