Introduction: How to Make the Turbo StratoEagle Paper Airplane

About: Paper airplane maker: 400+ designs so far and more in development!
Fast, long range and simple, the Turbo StratoEagle is versatile paper airplane ideal for origami aviators transitioning from slower types like the SkyCub to faster airplanes like the UltraVulcan. Because it is very docile, the Turbo StratoEagle is an good choice for a trainer.

The Turbo StratoEagle was developed as a replacement for its basis and namesake since the StratoEagle featured asymmetric nose folding, and could be somewhat quirky as a result. Additionally, I felt that giving a similar (albeit slightly slower) complement to the Vulcan family would allow origami aviators greater choice and variety. For this reason, I developed the Turbo StratoEagle, keeping its large wing for its good performance and redesigning the nose folds to improve handling. Based on testing I did with prototypes featuring improvements developed for the Vulcan family, it seems the Turbo StratoEagle's potential for further development in the immediate future is limited.

TAA USAF Designation: F266-3

Step 1: Materials

1 Piece of 8.5 by 11 inch Paper

Step 2: Length, Leading Edge and Nose Folding

Fold your paper in half length-wise. Then make a mark 1 inch above the center crease along the front of paper. Then pull the paper down so that the crease stretches from the mark you just made and the corner of the paper on the other side. Repeat on the other side. Fold the overhanging parts back over the other parts of the airfoil folds and then fold these as shown. Tuck these folds beneath the airfoil as directed.

Step 3: Nose, Wing and Winglet Folding

Pull the nose down to the trailing edge, then pull the nose back so its tip touches the crease you just made. After this is done, pull the crease that results from this second fold up to that of the first. After this is done, pull the nose back to this crease. Measure 1 inch above the center fold in the fuselage, then measure 1 inch inwards from the wingtips along the trailing edges. Measure 0.75 inches from the center fold mark along the trailing edge and make a mark. From this mark, measure another 0.75 inches toward the wingtip. From each of these previous two marks, measure 0.125 inches inward toward the nose and make lines. Fold the wings down at the 1 inch mark, aligning their trailing edges with that of the fuselage. Likewise, fold the winglets at their 1 inch mark also. Cut along the lines you made to make small elevators and set them to roughly 10 degrees deflection.

Step 4: Taping

Tape your Turbo StratoEagle at its front, leading edges, back and across its wing root near the trailing edge. Prepare it for test flights that will be necessary for determining appropriate elevator deflection settings.

Step 5: Flight

The Turbo StratoEagle is a moderately fast paper airplane with good stability and the capability to fly at a variety of speeds. For a slow flight, a launch at neutral or negative attitude at moderate speed is necessary. For a fast flight, a quick launch at any attitude is required. Test flights should be conducted, as elevator trim may need fine tuning and testing. Additional surfaces that can be applied to this airplane include flaps, slats, ailerons, airbrakes, and rudders. Enjoy!