Introduction: How to Make a Macro Lens

In this instructable I'll show you how to make a Macro lens. Macro lens's are used to take close up pictures of stuff. Most cameras (like mine) can't take a clear picture if the object is to close, this lens will help when taking really close up pictures. This is great for taking pictures for an instructable!

You'll Need:

- Some small Lens's (you can get these from Binoculars, Cheap rifle scopes or small magnify glasses, or pretty much anything)
- A Dremel
- A Razor
- Card Board, Wood
- Small Plastic bottle

Step 1: Different Lens's

There are two different lens's I'll show how to make. I'll show you how to make a cardboard one first.
To make the cardboard type, cut out a circle of card board that fits over your cameras lens, then drill or cut a hole in the card board and insert the lens, Your Done!! (with that type) you can use either duct tape or tacky to keep it on.

Step 2: 2nd Lens Type

This is a better model, but its a little harder to make. First, you'll have to find a plastic bottle that fits over the lens of your camera. Then, once you find a bottle bottom drill a hole the size of the lens and put the lens in the hole, now you have completed your lens.

Step 3: Attaching the Different Lenses

Here is how I attach the lenses, this will differ on what type of camera you have.

Step 4: Different Sizes

Different size lenses will result in different pictures, the small the lens the closer up pictures possible the bigger the lens not so close pictures possible

Step 5: Resulting Pictures

Here are some pictures I got.

Ask if you have any questions
