Introduction: How to Make Awesome Homemade Paddle Boat Can Move on Water– Creativity Toy
full tutorial with video
To do this the homemade paddle boat you need to prepare.
+ Popsicle sticks: 14 cm, 12cm, 10 cm.
+ Table tennis ball
+ Drawstring
+ Plastic bottle cap
+ Coke Coke
+ Glue
Step 1: Create Paddle
Using 2 popsicle stick (14 and 12 cm), attach them by glue gun with suitable length
Step 2: Complete 6 Paddle
Do the same for 5 paddle left
Step 3: Make Body
Attach 2 sticks (14cm) by glue gun
Step 4: Make Body
attach 1 stick following the vertical body
Step 5: Make Body
Cut the stick (14cm) half and attach it to the body
Step 6: Make Body
Using 2 caps of coke, attach them to the body to make Wheel frame
Step 7: Make Body
Break perpendicular cap and stick to body
Step 8: Make Body
Break perpendicular cap and stick to body
Step 9: Make Body
Complete the wheel frame
Step 10: Make Body
Use round rod as a wheel shaft
Step 11: Make Body
The engine of the boat is made by drawstring (you can find drawstring in key chain),
Attach the drawstring to the round rod
Step 12: Make Wheel
Using table tennis ball to make wheel of the boat
Step 13: Make Wheel
Complete 4 wheel of paddle boat
Step 14: Attach Paddle
Using 3 paddles to attach on the body
Step 15: Attach Paddle
Do the same with remain side
Step 16: Make Boat Tail
Using a small stick to attach the tail of boat
Step 17: Make Boat Tail
Complete boat tail with a bottle cap to make trim
Step 18: Make Boat Tail
Step 19: Make Boat Tail
Complete boat tail
Step 20: Make Boat Tail
Using a small stick to make extra paddle
Step 21: Complete
We're done an awesome homemade paddle boat