Introduction: How to Make a Santa Trap With Makey Makey
Learn how to capture a photo of Santa delivering your gifts with some well placed cookies, camera, and pressure plate.
Step 1: Intro to the Pressure Plate
Watch the introduction.
Step 2: Cardboard for the Pressure Plate
So you've sized up what you might need for Santa's foot and you have cardboard about twice as long.
- Fold the cardboard in half.
- Trim the cardboard as needed.
- Remember we don't want a tripping hazard for Santa. Don't make it too big.
Step 3: Cut Aluminum Tape
Cut three pieces of tape: two smaller pieces and one large.
Step 4: Add the Tape
- Open up the folded cardboard.
- On the inside top edge attached the long piece lengthwise.
- On the bottom attach the two smaller pieces along with the wire.
Step 5: Connect the Pressure Switch
Connect each alligator clips to each wire.
Step 6: Connect to the Makey Makey
Attach the alligator clips to the Makey Makey:
- One alligator clip to the click button
- The other alligator clip to the ground
Step 7: Setup Your Camera
Set up your computer
- Go to
- Position your camera to get the perfect picture
- Put your mouse over the button to take a picture
Step 8: Do Some Testing
This is the most important step! Test out your project.
Good luck catching Santa!