Introduction: How to Make a Cardboard Gun

Hello ,this is how to make a cardboard gun Now i know there are a lot of these kind of instructables
if you look at the picture you will see whats kind of different about this one

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

you will need

2.scissors glue and hot glue gun
4.paint(to decorate)

Step 2: Trimming Basic Shape

draw to actual scale the gun shape and cut it out including for recessed areas

Step 3: Building the Bullet Ejection Port

build a bottom and sides of a box(If all else fails look at the picture.)

Step 4: Continuing the Shell Ejection Port

glue a small rectangle to the inside of the port

Step 5: Building the Simulated Cocking Mechanism Up

glue a piece of cardboard behind the area cut out below the ejection port

Step 6: Building the Shell Casing

here you are really making a small box that is long and has a small protrusion at the bottom

Step 7: Constructing the Inside

make a thin wall to hold the shells in place

Step 8: Make the Otherside of the Gun

do what the title of this part says (by the picture)

Step 9: Flip the First Part Over

get the first part and glue another thin rectangle like so

Step 10: Box Everything In

glue the 2 sides on the small piece and begin to box in the trigger area

Step 11: Add Details and Have Fun When You're Done

add a trigger and a fake cocking mechanism ,paint and you're done