Introduction: How to Take Didgital Pictures With a Crt Monitor

About: There's nothing you need to know.
This is not a joke!!! You can really take high quality (up to 8mp) digital images with any old crt monitor! There is no complicated wiring required. It will take you five minutes. Just follow theses eazes instuctables to make your own crt monitor camera.

Step 1: Get an Old Crt Monitor.

1. Make your own crt monitor by clicking on this link and then typing "how to make your own crt monitor" into the search box that will appear at the center of the page.<a href="">Link</a>
2. Go to a nearby recycling center and take one home: crt monitors are very easy to find in recycling centers because they are sooooo bad.(crt monitors are generally about 3x lighter than lcd monitors, so carrying one home shouldn't be a problem(I walked 5 miles home with a 30" crt monitor, so you can too))
3.Find one inside an internal pata hard drive, these types of hard drives usually have 15"-22" crt monitors inside of them. you can find this type of hard drive inside a computer dating earlier than 1995 only.
4.Break apart the computer you are using to view this instructable to find a 55" !!!!WOW!!!! crt monitor

Step 2: Take Apart Your Monitor

In the image below, you can see how I decided to take apart my monitor. Unfortunately, my method caused all of the crt's to implode. That doesn't matter though if care at all about you own safety, though.
Now that you've demolished your crt monitor, it's time to make the camera.

Step 3: Wiring the Camera Part

This is it! You're finally going to get your own crt monitor digital camera! steps:
1. Follow the schematics on the bottom and add all of the parts/ solder other wires together
1. capacitor
2. 4 in. of insulated 22 gauge wire
3. Soldering gun (i used a 25watt)
4. rosin core solder

Step 4: Take Pictures!

Plug into pc w/. the blue cable and take pix!

My pictures: