Introduction: Jack Skellington Pumpkin Carving "The Pumpkin King"

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How to make Jack Skellington from Nightmare Before Christmas out of Funkins ( Artificial Pumpkin Carving) and without a Pumpkin light!

Step 1: The Funkins

I picked white Pumpkin cause of Jack Skellington and I freehand his face on to the pumpkin cause it looked pretty easy to do.

Step 2: The Cut

I used a Hot Knife to cut out the face.

Step 3: The Teeths of Jack

I used hot glue gun to add the teeth.

Step 4: Painting to Stand Out

First. I Spray Paint Black inside of the Pumpkin Second. I spray painted the outer side with white 3rd. Paintbrush the Teeth. ( don't Need a Pumpkin light for this looks more creepy like this)

Step 5: My Pumpkin As JACK THE PIRATE

This was not a part of the Instructables Just ways you could put Your Jack skellington Pumpkin as a Sandy Claws or a Pirate.