Introduction: K'NEX Mini 14

About: I am a homeschooled kid from the U.S. My brother is The Red Book of Westmarch, and he helps me manage my page. My name is Latin for "Out of many, one" meaning that I like to take many K'NEX or LEGO pieces and …

A reincarnation of the M1 Garand? Who doesn't love that?!?!

As my second entry into the Toy Rods and Connectors Contest, this Rugar Mini 14 is a newer adaption of last year's Mini 14. Heavily based upon my brother's (The Red Book of Westmarch) M14 (T44), this Mini 14 is 38 in. long, utilizes a new magazine catch, shoots out of a 5 - 12 rd. magazine, and has a great new stock formation. Favorite wood-stock rifle? That'd have to be the Mini 14.


- Range: 50 - 70 ft.

- Great iron sights

- Comfortable grip area

- Sturdy body

- Sturdy magazine

- Shoots a dark grey connector with a green rod. It can also shoot white rods.

- New magazine release

- True-trigger assembly

- Great pin-pull: 6 in. +

Don't forget to give me and my brother all the votes possible in the K'NEX contest!

- E Pluribus Unum