Introduction: Kitty Bank
You've heard of a piggy bank, but how about a Kitty Bank? Make a fun Kitty Bank with just a few materials. Makes a great gift!
Step 1: Gather Materials
You'll need:
- paper-mache figure ( I bought this cat paper mache figure at my local craft store)
- Mod Podge Glue (Matte works best)
- a paintbrush
- Colorful paper
- scissors
Step 2: Cut Paper
Next you'll want to cut your colorful paper into strips to make it simpler to wrap your gift. You'll add modpodge glue to each strip.
Step 3: Add Strips to Figure
Next you'll begin adding the strips of paper to the kitty. Before completely adding, make sure you draw a small boxed area where you'd like to make the hole to insert coins. As you add strips of paper, cut as you see fit so that the paper fits into smaller places.
Step 4: Cut Coin Slot
As you near the back of the cat, where the coin slot is, stop and cut out the hole. I drilled a small hole into the slot then used a sharp knife to continue to cut the slot out.
Step 5: Continue Wrapping in Paper
Continue wrapping the kitty in paper, making sure to keep the slot open.
Step 6: Let Dry and Add Coins!
Finally, let it dry and then add your coins! It's a nice addition to any bookcase or desk and really colorful. Enjoy!