Introduction: Knex Crossbow
Hello, this is my first Knex Crossbow. It has a simple design, yet still powerful and accurate. If you like it, why not build???
Step 1: The Trigger
Oh, if you want to know what step this is, read the the title.
Step 2: The Handle
Easy enough, you should be able to manage
Step 3: The Arms (or Limbs)
These are the arms ( Limbs ) of the crossbow, call it what you want. Pretty simple
Step 4: The Barrel
Yay, it's time for the fun part, the barrel! Hope this isn't to easy for you!
Step 5: Putting It Together
Lets put it together, what do you say??
Step 6: Rubberbands
Did you think that you were done??? Well not yet.
Step 7: Your Done!!!
Finally, your done! Hope you have fun with my gun! Thanks!