Introduction: Knex Flimsy Double Bladed Sword
Hey guys. This is another instructable on my knex flimsy double bladed sword. NOW GO!!!!
Step 1: Build Shadowpom's Sword Mark 1
Step 2: Modify
Now you will need to modify the sword. LETS GO GO GO!!!!
Just follow the pics
1: seperate blade from handle
2: take 1 blade section off
3: blade section apart
4: make
5: add blade section
6: connect to other side of white connectors as shown in pic
8: repeat with other side (see pic for reference)
Just follow the pics
1: seperate blade from handle
2: take 1 blade section off
3: blade section apart
4: make
5: add blade section
6: connect to other side of white connectors as shown in pic
8: repeat with other side (see pic for reference)
Step 3: Finished!!!!!
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial of my knex flimsy double bladed sword and please follow me for more simplified instructions