Introduction: K'nex Hand Gatling Gun

This is a K'nex hand gatling gun that fires yellow rods nearly 10 foot (thats 284 cm for people in UK)
Its easy to make and use.

My bands shot the rods very hard and fast, so dont aim at anybody!!

this is a problem with the firing mech which was suppost to be a full-Auto, but is a semi-auto.
Requires 2 wind up motors or else it wont turn.

Step 1: Parts You Will Need

you will need:
(Soz about the pictures, they looked fine on my camara)

24 Green rods
10 White/Gray rods
14 blue rods
2 Yellow/Shiny Gray rods (its 6 including the ammo)
1 Tan rod (has to be tan or gun wont fire)

2 orange connectors
16 Gray 1-hole connectors
5 Tan Pin Conectors
4 White Connectors
4 Green Connectors
4 Yellow Connnectors
13 Red Connectors
20 Gray 2-hole Connectors

Other Items:
13 Blue spacers
4 Gray spacers
2 Wind up Motors
4 Rubber Bands (can be short or long)

Step 2: Firing Pin Modal

Firing Pin (make Four times)
1. Attach 2 light gray connectors to a blue rod
2. Do the first step again only put these one the other way round
3. Put a gray connector at one end of it
4. Make this
5. Put it on the end of the pin
6. Make this and put a band through the hole
7&8. Attach the band to the light gray connectors like so

9. Attach a white connector to the bottom end of the pin (Ŏ " is the bottom pin bit)
10. Attach 3 more Firing pins to the white connector like so
11. Put the final pin on
12,13 & 14. 3d views of the modal

Step 3: Ammo Clip

Not acctully a clip, but holds the rods in place
(Edit... You can build this part in your own way, but keep the parts the same)

1. Make this
2. Make 2 of these
4. Add four Blue rods to one
5. Add another one of the red sqaures
6. Add this on the end
7. Add 2 white connectors on the end
8. Add a white rod with 2 blue spacers onto thewhite connector, Make sure that the white rod is in the middle of the two light grays or it wont go on.)
9. Add gray connectors like so (soz, only took this picture when it was on the rod)

Step 4: Sppinner Rod

1. Add two tan clips like so (rod is gray rod)
2 & 3. Put the Firing Pin Modal on the clips by sliding it across
4. Attach it with a tan clip like so
5. Put two blue spacers on the end and another tan clip
6. Add the ammo holder on the end
7. Secure it with a tan clip push the rod til the tan clip is at the end of the rod

Step 5: Handle

OMG 3 steps!!

1. Build two of these
2. Put two yellow rods where shown
3. attach the two handles like so

Step 6: Motor Assebaly

1. Slide a Wind up motor onto a blue rod and secure it as shown
2. Attach another motor in the same way, make sure the arrows face the same way
3. Attach the motor to the handle as shown
4. Put the rest of the spacers on the end of the firing pin modal
5. slide the rod through the white connectors and motors as shown.

Step 7: Trigger Thing

Its a trigger type thing....

1. Put two oranges onto a white rod
2. Attach the tan rod on the other end of the connectors
3. Make this,
4. there is no image, but you connect the othe bit to the white rod

Step 8: Loading and Firing

1. pull back the trigger
2. Pull back all the Firing Pins and lock them with the white rod
3. put the yellow or gray rods into the end of the Clip
4. turn the handle anit-clockwise (depending on which way you put the motors in)
5. push the trigger back
6. twist the barrel clockwise (if it is set this way) and let go, if youre lucky you may get a good four round shot, but you will mostly get a 1 or 2 shot