Introduction: Lock Picking Tools From Scratch
Hello friends! today I'm going to teach them how to make tools to open any padlock or drum lock with only a Wiper/Washer!
For this project we will only need:
- Wiper/Washer
- Some tools like a grinder or bench grinder
- files
- blade of Jigsaw (optional)
Let's begin!
Step 1: Removing the Wiper/washer Blade Insert
The first thing to do is to disassemble the wiper/washer, for that we must remove the rubber weatherstrip, and then remove the two metal blade insert.
Step 2: Prepare the Blade´s
Now we take one of the rods and proceed to mark and cut, we need to make two cuts, one of 4 inches and another of 3.5 inches.
Step 3: The Torsion Wrench
Now take the 3.5 inches and bend the tip to 0.3 inches (1 cm) and then apply a twist to the middle of the tensioner to give it more rigidity.
We already have our tensor ready! we only have to make our picks
Step 4: The Picks!
To make the picks we occupy the blade of 4 inches (10 cm), with a round file we roughly chopped close to the tip and once made said muezca, with a flat file we match the surface about 1.5 inches (4 cm) as we can appreciate in the pictures...
Instead of wiper blade, we can use the blade of a jigsaw tool.
And ready! now we can open any kind of padlocks or drum locks!
Step 5: Final & Templates
Here I leave this template so you can take as an example when making your picks! In the video you can also see how a ganzua works with a blade of jigsaw tool. I hope it has been useful, see you in the next instructable!
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