Introduction: Mini Variable Power Supply
Step 1: Prepare the Case
i used some aglomerate wood to do the case, you can use another tipe of wood or plastics
Step 2: Finishing the Case
Cut a piece of plastic(i used some dvd case) to fit on front part of the case, use 4 extra pieces of wood for extra support, when its dry sand it for a better look.
Step 3: The Module
Unsolder the blue potentiometer on the module and solder a 10k potentiometer , isolate all the conections with shrink tube.
Step 4: First Test
Using the schematic:
1º-Power the DC Step-Down module using a transformer from 4 to 30 volt, connect the amp meter to the source "in" 2º-The yellow wire is pluged to the "out" positive side of the buck converter 3º-The remaining bigger black wire is conected to the "out" negative side, the the red is the output negative
Step 5: Final Drills
Measure the meter and mark the holes for the potentiometer and the positive and negative power output, cut it and trimm it until it fits good, do the same for the power button.
Step 6: Back Cover
Measure and cut the back cover, mark the place for the power jack and cut the plastic to fit.
Step 7: Final Steps
Just solder everything just like the schematic, hot glue the module and close the case with small screws
Step 8: Lets Test It
it works ! Simple, cheap and easy, good for small led and motor tests