Introduction: Nintendo DS and 3DS Game + SD Card Case/holder.
Store your loose DS and 3DS games with an old CD jewel case, and some CNC know-how!
Back in the day, third-party PS1 memory cards were sold in a CD jewel case with a custom molded insert. I still store my memory cards like this (but I lost the insert). I've never been able to find a case similar to this; so I decided to make my own. ( I was happy to sacrifice some "clearance" CD's I bought...listening to music from the 90's/2000's is the fastest way to induce buyer's-remorse.)
You will need:
- a scrap of 1/4" thick wood ~6x6 inches
- A CNC router (or a dremmel with skilled hands)
- jewel case for with the CD insert removed.
- calipers (or a ruler and a good eyeball)
- safety goggles
Watch the video for the complete guide!
Like any CNC related project, the hardest part is the drawing. The drawing took about 3 revisions. Calipers are a must. Another tip is a printer. Sounds silly, but printing your design at 100% scale and laying the parts on top is the only way to identify outstanding issues before heading to the machine.
The end product was so nice I made one for my SD cards! Next step is to laser cut a bunch more! And remake the holder for my PS2 memory cards.
I will be selling these (eventually) on my website at