Introduction: Off Grid Propane Powered Hot Tub

Ever wanted to relax in a hot tub under the stars !?

Step 1: Find Cast Iron Tub .

We found this on Craig's List for 100 $

Step 2: Clean Said Tub !

We used Fume free oven cleaner and let it set over night. This one was REALLY SMELLY ! dont fret it will look like new after you clean it.

Andre testing it out BEFORE we cleaned it !

Step 3: Paint Tub Your Desired Color .

We used regular green latex paint.

Step 4: Buy Propane Burner and Regulator Hose

These were about 100$ together . it comes in one and two burners as well.(cheaper) but will take longer to warm up.

Step 5: Fill With Hose Heat and Enjoy !

We put it up on 2x4 blocks to get the burner to fit .I cant stress enough you CAN NOT sit in the tub while warming. Turn off burners and wait 5 to 10 before attempting to bath. Although I leave the front burner on low while im in the tub and it works great!