Introduction: PC Mouse Pointer Prank
This prank will let you change an unsuspecting person's pointer to some crazy looking things!
Some of the options are a banana, a horse, a couple different colored dinosaurs, and various others.
Some of the options are a banana, a horse, a couple different colored dinosaurs, and various others.
Step 1: Control Panel
Go to your control panel menu found in the Start menu on the right hand side. Then select the "Printers and Other Hardware" option.
Step 2: Mouse Menu
Once in the next screen, select the mouse icon. The next screen that loads will show "Mouse Properties". Select the "Pointers" tab, and proceed to the next step.
Step 3: Selecting a Pointer
Double click on any or all of the choices in the "Pointers" menu, and the "Browse" option will open up. This will allow you to pick which pointer you would like to set each choice as. As you can see from the picture, I selected a banana as my regular pointer.
Step 4: Going Back to Normal
Once your victim has had enough of the joke, it is time to turn your cards in and show them how to fix it.
Follow steps 1 and 2 as you did before, and return to the pointer tab. Once there, single click the pointers you changed, and click the "Use Default" button. Continue this with the rest of the pointers you changed, and then click "OK" at the bottom of the menu.
Follow steps 1 and 2 as you did before, and return to the pointer tab. Once there, single click the pointers you changed, and click the "Use Default" button. Continue this with the rest of the pointers you changed, and then click "OK" at the bottom of the menu.