Introduction: PVC Dual Shot Air Gun

This PVC air gun can be made for around $20. It is simple to make and fun to use.

Step 1: Parts and Supplies

Parts and Supplies list:

(3) 1/2 inch PVC valves

(1) 1/2 inch PVC 90 degree elbow

(1) 1/2 inch PVC Tee

(5) 2 inch long 1/2 inch PVC

(1) 4 inch long 1/2 inch PVC

(1) 13 inch long 1/2 inch PVC

(2) 7 inch long 1 1/2 inch PVC

(2) 1 1/2 inch PVC caps

(2) 1 1/2 inch PVC couplings

(2) 1 1/2 to 1/2 inch PVC reducers

(1) 3/8 inch schrader valve

Teflon tape

PVC purple primer and cement

Step 2: Attaching Schrader Valve

Attaching Schrader valve

  1. Take one 1 1/2 cap and drill a 3/8 inch hole in the center.
  2. Wrap Teflon tape around the threads of the Schrader valve.
  3. Screw in Schrader valve into the hole in the 1 1/2 inch PVC end cap.

Step 3: Making the Air Tanks

The air tanks

The Purple primer and PVC cement can get messy. I suggest putting a piece of card board underneath for easy clean up.

  1. Coat the outside of the PVC lengths with purple primer.
  2. Coat the inside of the PVC piece with PVC cement.
  3. Hold pieces tight together for about 10 seconds.

(repeat steps for both tanks)

Step 4: Making Barrel and Trigger

Making Barrel and Trigger

  1. Take the last 1/2 inch valve using purple primer and PVC cement attach a 2 inch piece of PVC.
  2. Using purple primer and PVC cement attach the 13 inch piece of PVC to the valve.

Step 5: Final Assembly


    1. Take one tank and attach the 90 degree elbow using purple primer and PVC cement.
    2. The Tee can can be attached to the last tank using purple primer and PVC cement.
    3. Connect both tanks with the 4 inch PVC length using purple primer and PVC cement.
    4. Add the barrel and trigger using purple primer and PVC cement.
    5. Let dry for 24 hours.

    Step 6: Firing and Ammunition

    Firing this air gun

    1. Close trigger valve.
    2. Fill air gun with 30-40 psi using a bike pump or air compressor.
    3. Close one of the tank valves.
    4. Load selected ammo into the barrel.
      • Mini Marshmallows
      • Foam darts
      • Gumballs
      • Paint balls
    5. Aim in a safe direction and open the barrel valve quickly.
    6. Close barrel valve and the open tank valve.
    7. Open other tank valve.
    8. Load selected ammo into the barrel.
      • Mini Marshmallows
      • Foam darts
      • Gumballs
      • Paint balls
    9. Aim in a safe direction and open the barrel valve quickly.

    Repeat for endless fun.

    Any other ammunition that you may try please leave a comment so I can try it out for myself. Hope you enjoy this creation as much as I do. Thanks for looking!