Introduction: Plus-minus 5V Supply From 9V Battery (Part-2)
Hey guys! I am back.
Op-amps require a dual-polarity supply for proper operation. When working with battery supply, it becomes difficult to get a dual power supply for the op-amps. Presented here is a simple circuit that provides ±5V from a 9V battery.
Let's pick up from where i left last time.
Step 1: Fabricated Board
The image shows the fabricated PCB board, which I received from LionCircuits.
Let’s starts with the assembly of this board.
Step 2: Components Assembled Board
The above image shows all components assembled on the PCB Board. I have used a 9 v battery for input supply. When the supply is given to the board, voltage regulator IC1 converts 9V battery input into regulated 5V. This 5V output from IC1 is given to pin 8 of IC2. IC2 and capacitors C3 and C4 form the voltage inverter section that converts +5V to -5V. Converted -5V supply is available at pin 5 of IC2. Converted ±5V supply is thus available at connector CON2.
Step 3: Test Points
Test points -> Details
- TP0 -> +9V
- TP1 -> +5V
- TP2 -> 0V(GND)
- TP3 -> -5V
Step 4: Working and Output
Above 3 images shows receiving different voltages at the output 3 pin connector, Presented here is a simple circuit that provides ±5V from a 9V battery.
Enclose it in a water-proof box. Battery BATT.1 should be enclosed in the box. Fix CON 2 on the front or rear side of the cabinet, so that you can use the ±5V easily. Before using the circuit, verify the test points given in the table to ensure proper working of the circuit.