Introduction: Puppy Popsicles and Dog Kong Treats
Learn how to make two ingredient puppy popsicles and grain-free dog treats, perfect for summer!
All of the puppy treats I show you how to make are so simple and perfect for those hot summer days! Humans get to have a popsicle on a hot day, so why not your pup? :) My boxer puppy, Joker, loves all of these dog treats so much. He especially loves the peanut butter treats smooshed into a Kong (it takes longer for him to finish it from the Kong than peanut butter alone!).
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Only two ingredients for each dog treat!
Kong Treat / Peanut Butter Puppy Treat:
Peanut Butter
Dog food (or broken up dog treats)
Peanut Butter Puppy Popsicle, Pawpsicle, Pupsicle:
Chicken Broth (reduced sodium!)
Peanut Butter
Apple Puppy Popsicle, Pawpsicle, Pupsicle:
Chicken Broth (reduced sodium!)
Apple Sauce
Step 1: Watch Video!
Step 2: Popsicle: Mix Broth and Peanut Butter (or Apple Sauce)
No real measurements, just make sure the broth is reduced sodium.
Step 3: Pour Into Mold or Ice Cube Tray
Step 4: Freeze and Demold
Step 5: Give to Dog
Step 6: Kong Treat: Mix Peanut Butter and Dog Food/treats
You want the ratio to be more peanut butter than treats so you can easily fill the molds.
It can be made grain free by using grain free dog treats or dog food. If using treats, be sure to break up the treats into small pieces.
Step 7: Place Into Mold or Ice Cube Tray
Step 8: Freeze and Demold
Step 9: Give to Dog or Put Into Kong and Then Give to Dog
If putting the treat into a Kong, smoosh it inside the Kong so it sticks to the inside. It will take longer to eat than normal peanut butter.