Introduction: Raspberry Pi Wooden Case

I made a wooden case for my Raspberry Pi at TechShop Pittsburgh ( Having wooden case is great, because it looks great, smells good and pleasant to the touch =)

Step 1: Find Materials

Materials needed:
-Birch or Oak Plywood 1/8'' - Local art supplier
-Acrylic plastic 1/8'' - HOME DEPO
-Nylon 6/6 Machine Screws -
-Metric Nylon 6/6 Hex Nuts -

I also did a delivery box for it from thin cardboard I found in local art store.

You can also order this case from my shop on Etsy:

Step 2: Cut

You can find CorelDraw templates for case and box attached to this post.

Cutting hints:
1. Next settings worked for me (Trotec laser cutter):
Birch - standard plywood settings, but 1 run for cutting
Plastic - standard settings, but faster cutting speed and lower power
Cardboard - Edging: 90, 60, 1000. Cutting: 100, 4, 5000, 1 run

2. After cutting some of the parts could be soiled and you can clear them up with Hydrogen peroxide or Acetone.
