Introduction: Rechargeable Wallet LED Torch(with Usb)

This is my first instructable

This instructable will show you how to place a torch in a wallet and charge it with a usb port (very handy indeed
NOTE: i am not responsible if u burn your battery please use correct values or resistors and diodes! do it on your own risk!


things you need
-a wallet
-a diode mine was 1n4001
-a resistor( mine was 1k i guess)
-blue/red LED
- switch
-some wires (thin)
-a usb chord having a very thin wire
-a small rechargable lithim ion battery , you will find these in mini helicopters,blue tooth headsets


take the wallet and cut the pouch containing credit cards! wire the led attach a resistor (dont know the exact value). attach the led to the lithium battery.. now take the usb chord and attach a diode

NOTE:place the white end of the diode in the direction of the battery

attach the usb chord with correct polarity with the battery

Step 3: Attach a Switch

After making the connections attach a switch which you can operate without opening your wallet
you are done

5 minuites charge will last for a long time

10 mins use per day will last up to 4 -5 days(estimated)

Step 4:

Step 5:

my next instructable

attach a cell phone charger in your wallet using anyvolt micro!

please rate the instructable