Introduction: Running Arduino IDE on ChipKIT DP32
This instructable provides step by step process on how to run arduino programs using chipKIT DP32
Step 1: Material Needed:
ChipKIT DP32 (
MicroUSB Cable
MiniUSB Cable
ChipKIT Programmer (
Step 2: Setup:
Hardware Setup:
- Setup ChipKIT D32 with its programmer as shown in the diagram
- Connect microUSB cable and miniUSB cable to your computer
Software Setup:
For Arduino IDE
- In order to make ChipKit DP32 work with Arduino IDE we need to install chipKIT core onto it.
- To download go to the link
- From installation instructions copy and paste it in Arduino IDE preferences as shown in Figure 2
- Go to tools>Board>Click Board Manager
- In Board manager, type in your filter search box "chipkit" and install the latest version (see Figure 3)
- After downloading go back to tools, scroll down and choose your board, in this case it's ChipKIT DP32
- Now download the bootloader on the the actual chip on the board
- Go to resource page of chipKIT DP32 and download bootloader from
Loading Bootloader onto DP32
- Assuming hardware is setup, run MPLAB X IDE
- Click File, new project and select prebuilt project(as shown in figure 4)
- Browse to bootloader file and select family as PIC32, device as PIC32MX250F128B and hardware tools(license debugger) as shown in figure 5
- Give your project a name and click finish
Step 3: Running Program on Arduino:
Loading Bootloader onto chip
- Click on "Make and Program Device Main Project" as shown in figure 1
- If bootloader is successfully installed than output will say "Programming/Verify complete" and LD1 will start blinking on the chipKIT board
Running on Arduino
- open Arduino IDE
- select correct board from tools>board
- looking at figure 2 go to file, examples, basics, and choose Blink
- Click compile(top left corner)
- Click upload(top left corner)
- If there is error "No target found", reupload the bootloader using MPLAB X and reupload the blink program
- LD2 will start blinking if programs works and output on Arduino IDE will look similar to figure 3