Introduction: Simple Arduino Timer
Need a timer to check how much times you spent on a task ?
Or maybe you want to make a clock without a RTC module ?
I didn't find a code to make one easily so I share mine.
This is also a good test to check if your DFRobot LCD Keypad Shield works correctly and learn how to use it.
- First, we will upload our code
- Then, we will see how to use our timer.
- Aftewards, i'll explain how to use the LCD/Keypad
- Finally, I'll explain how to manage time
As always documentation and code are available in english/french on
Step 1: Make It!
- Arduino Uno : 6€
- DF Robot LCD Keypad shield : 4€
Total : 10€
You should find theses components easily on most E-commerce using these keywords
DF Robot shield is already soldered, you only have to plug it on the Arduino Uno.
Download the software, libraries and upload the code with Arduino
- Download :
- Copy lcdclock and libraries folder into your arduino sketchbook (Documents/Arduino)
- Upload lcdclock.ino
Board : Arduino/Genuino Uno
- The led on the LCD Keypad can be removed, if you find it too bright.
- We didn't make a 3D printed case for this project, but you can find some on
Step 2: Manual
Here is a manual on how to use the timer.
- LEFT: -1 minute
- RIGHT: +1 minute
- UP: +1 hour
- DOWN -1 hour
- RST: Reset timer
- Select: Turn off/on backlight
You can use this manual as a template for your own projects:
Download: shield-manual.svg
Every illustrations / text in my tutorial are licence as Creative Commons (by) and available with the source code in the folder docs/
Feel free to use it in your own tutorials!
Step 3: Control the LCD/Keypad
All libraries on my projects are included with the source code.
Official DFRobot manual :
- Setup screen
LiquidCrystal lcd(8, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7); void setup(){ lcd.begin(16, 2); }
- Print Text
lcd.print("Hello World")
- Set Cursor Position
- Setup
int lcd_key = 0; int adc_key_in = 0; #define btnRIGHT 0 #define btnUP 1 #define btnDOWN 2 #define btnLEFT 3 #define btnSELECT 4 #define btnNONE 5 //Buttons are all on Analog0 int read_LCD_buttons(){ adc_key_in = analogRead(0); if (adc_key_in > 1000) return btnNONE; if (adc_key_in < 50) return btnRIGHT; if (adc_key_in < 195) return btnUP; if (adc_key_in < 380) return btnDOWN; if (adc_key_in < 555) return btnLEFT; if (adc_key_in < 790) return btnSELECT; return btnNONE; // when all others fail, return this... }Check keypress
void loop(){ lcd_key = read_LCD_buttons(); // read the buttons switch (lcd_key){ // depending on which button was pushed, we perform an action case btnRIGHT:{ //Right button action break; } case btnLEFT:{ //Left button action break; } case btnUP:{ //Up Button action break; } case btnDOWN:{ //Down Button action break; } case btnSELECT:{ //Select Button action break; } } }
Step 4: Manage Time
To manage the time , we are using timelib
- Setup
//setTime(hr,min,sec,day,mnth,yr); setTime(0,0,0,1,1,2000);
- Get time
void loop(){ now(); //Get current time Serial.println(hour()); Serial.println(minute()); Serial.println(second()); }