Introduction: Skewer Crossbow
This is my first instructable, and i only had one of one of the supplies so remaking one for the site was a bit hard. anyways just rate and keep negitive feedback to yourself, also to prevent questions, the ammo is anything that fitsin the barrel.
Step 1: Supplies
Bendy Straw (yes, it matters if u like precision)
Skewers(5 or 6)
Duct Tape
Skewers(5 or 6)
Duct Tape
Step 2: Base
First cut the tips off EVENLY, then tightly rubber band it so it makes a square shape and rubber band the back too.
Step 3: Cross Piece
put one or two (depends on what u prefer) skewers in the rubber band between the top base and bottom base
Step 4: "Barrel"
Cut where indicated
Step 5: Taping and Cutting
Step 6: Trigger
put on the paper clip and tape where indicated