Introduction: Sleeping Mask

Sleep in style with these super simple sleeping masks. The base is quick and easy to make. Take a little extra time to add some decorative features and you can impress your friends with a unique design that looks like hours of complex work.

Step 1: Collect Materials and Equipment


Fabric (in one colour)


Bias Tape

Thread (colour that matches bias tape)



Sleeping Mask Pattern


Fabric Scissors


Step 2:

Collect your fabric, sleeping mask pattern, pins and fabric scissors.

Step 3:

Iron out your fabric to remove any creases.

Step 4:

Place the sleeping mask pattern onto the fabric and pin around the edges to secure.

Step 5:

Cut around the edge of the pattern carefully using the fabric scissors.

Step 6:

Repeat Steps 4 and 5 to produce a second sleeping mask piece.

Step 7:

Collect your batting, sleeping mask pattern, fabric scissors and pins.

Step 8:

Place the sleeping mask pattern onto the batting and secure in place using pins.

Step 9:

Using the fabric scissors, carefully cut around the outside of the pattern to produce a batting insert.

Step 10:

You should now have a batting insert as well as the fabric back and front of your sleeping mask.

Step 11:

Collect your fabric pieces, batting insert, bias tape and pins.

Step 12:

Layer the fabric pieces and batting as shown in the picture above.

Make sure that the right sides are facing outwards.

Place them directly on top of each other so that you have the base of your sleeping mask.

Step 13:

Fold out one side of the bias tape and place its edge along the outside edge of the sleeping mask.

Secure in place with a pin.

Move around the outside of the sleeping mask, continuing to line the edge of the bias tape up with the edge of the sleeping mask and securing with pins. Bend and manipulate the bias tape as you go to ensure that you retain the shape of the sleeping mask.

You may want to overlap the ends of the bias tape at their meeting point to ensure that the binding is continuous on the final product.

Step 14:

On the sewing machine, stitch along the crease left by the fold in the bias tape, using a straight-stitch.

Step 15:

Keeping the other side of the bias tape folded-over, pull it over the edge of the sleeping mask and secure on the other side with a pin.

Continue this around the sleeping mask until the ends overlap again.

You may need to trim the edge of the sleeping mask if you find that the bias tape will not fold over the top easily.

Step 16:

On the sewing machine, stitch along the folded edge of the bias tape using a straight-stitch.

Step 17:

Collect your sleeping mask base, thread, needle and elastic.

Step 18:

To neaten the end of the elastic, fold over half a centimetre and stitch to hold.

Position elastic on the sleeping mask as shown above. Stitch around the edge of the folded part to secure in place.

Step 19:

Repeat with the other end of the elastic and secure to the other side of the sleeping mask.

Step 20:

Your sleeping mask is complete!

You can now personalise your sleeping mask by adding embroidered slogans or felt decorations.