Introduction: Sr-v1 Desk Topper

About: I build Knex stuff. Prefferably the ones that explode. :D
This is a paper sr-v1 desk topper. The bipod is opptional. it is also a SCALE replica of the origianal sr-v1 by killerk. I hope you like it! I know i did. Also, i know the pics are a lil crappy.... so just try to deal with it. the parts list includes: paper, tape, a US ruler, a grey colored pencil, an a regular pencil. and don't forget to rate!

Step 1: Stock

This part is pretty easy. For this step you will need a 3 and 1/4in by 3 and 1/2in sheet of paper. you also need a 1in by 3 and 1/2in peice.

Step 2: Barrel

this is the long barrel. you will need a 3 and 1/2in by 5 and 3/4in. repeat the last step with this sheet. in pic number 6 the line is on the barrel and it is 1 and 3/4in from the back end. in pic number 7 the tip of the stock meets that line and tape is wrapped around the two. (pic one is the same as pic 7)

Step 3: Handle

the handle is a 3 and 1/2in by 1 and 1/2in peice of paper. a line runs down it longways and inch from one edge.

Step 4: Scope

the scope has a 3 and 1/2in by 1 and 1/2" peice... you know the drill by now. you could be done now or put on the bipod to make it stand up.

Step 5: Bipod (optional)

the bipod is optional but it makes it a desk topper because it makes the gun stand up. the bipod is a 3 and 1/2" by 3 and 1/2" square with a line down the middle.

Step 6: Spitwad Shooter!!

ok i've done it! it now can shoot spitwads! here is how. you need paper, your mouth, a bendy straw, a paper sr-v1, and a wooden dowell. to fire put spitwad in the end of the barrel (straw) shove half way to 3/4 way down with the wooden dowell. then shoot!