Introduction: Tobias - Arduino Music Box With TVout

First of all, let me introduce Tobias, my girlfriend's giant teddy bear, who is the inspiration for this project.

Tobias has a personality, built up over time while we jokingly wonder in our minds what he does while she's away at work.

The project was intended to be a simple gift, an Arduino with a piezo speaker playing her favorite song. Quickly it got out of my control and became a music box:

  • 3D printed
  • capable of playing music without the need for a USB connection using AA batteries
  • with piano “keys” that light up with each note
  • capable of reproducing images on an old CRT television via RCA connectors


  • Arduino Nano
  • Speaker (I took it from a damaged old radio)
  • Toggle Switch (3 pin) - mode selector
  • Rotary Potentiometer - volume control
  • 2x 220Ω resistor
  • 1x 440Ω resistor or 2x 220Ω resistor
  • 1x 1kΩ resistor
  • 11 3mm leds
  • 2x RCA female connectors
  • wires
  • 3.5mm white acrylic
  • hot glue or super glue


  • soldering kit
  • 3D printer
  • computer with Arduino IDE to upload the code

Step 1: Code - Upload

You will need:

If you want to change the music or image see next steps, if not just upload the code to your Arduino, but first make sure you have both libraries installed.

Step 2: Code (change the Music)

Here you can find the song:

I split the music in parts, assigning letters to each part that repeats itself. Then I assigned a value of 1 to 16 for each note and placed them on line 0 of each array. The values correspond to the frequency of the note to be played (array freq [ ]). In line 1 I put the duration of each note above. Example:

const byte melB1[2][ 6] PROGMEM={

{11, 8, 0, 8, 7, 6}, //note

{ 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1}}; // duration

If you want to use another song:

  • change the freq [ ] array with the new desired frequencies (notes)
  • change the arrays corresponding to each part of the song
  • in void music () choose the order that should be played
  • change the “X” in the array declaration for the number of elements in each line and also change in the corresponding void, example:


melB1[2][ X]


void melodiaB1(){

for (a=0; a<X; a++){


Step 3: Code (change the Image / Photo)

I used GIMP to change a photo to black and white, steps:

  • Colors / Saturation = 0

The image must be changed to a 95x95 pixel resolution. The TVout library allows for higher resolutions but due to the size of the code I intended to use, I was forced to lower the resolution.

  • Rectangle Select Tool (Aspect Ratio - fixed 1:1)
  • Edit/Copy
  • File/Create/From Clipboard
  • Image/Scale Image (95x95)

It’s imperative to convert the image to black and white and not grayscale.

  • Fuzzy Select Tool and Free Select Tool to select the areas that I want to appear in black.
  • Pencil (black) to make our selection black
  • Select / Invert (inverts our selection)
  • Pencil (white) to color the rest of the area white
  • Colors / Brightness-Contrast (contrast to max to ensure black is black)

Now that we have the image in black and white with a resolution of 95x95 pixels

  • File/Export As (.BMP)

To convert the new image to code I used Image2Code

Which gives us an almost good array. Then I copied and pasted it into the Arduino IDE.

Using Edit / Find:

  • search for all “0xFF” and replaced it with “0” (Replace All)
  • do the same for “0x00” and replace it with “1”
  • Delete all “{“ and “}”

"0" is going to be a black pixel

"1" is going to be a white pixel

Step 4: 3D Model

To create the box 3D model I used SketchUp. Due to the limitations of my 3D printer and the difficulty I imagined it would be making the internal connections I decided to create the model in 4 parts.

I uploaded the SketchUp file if you want to change something on the design, if not, just print the .stl files

Step 5: Assembly

Assemble is not complex but it’s difficult due the size of the box and the quantity of wires to be connected.