Introduction: Trash to Treasure 3, Push Back the Dark

About: I think my interests tell a lot about me, I'm a multimedia artist which means I work in whatever medium grabs my attention, paint on canvas is very relaxing and acrylic paint can be mixed with paper to make a …
I find a lot of amazing things when I'm out curb mining  just because I find a usable item however doesn't mean I'm going to use it as it was intended

Step 1: Materials and Tools

I found several solar lights that only needed a little cleaning and the batteries charged. The aluminum drink container didn't look like it had ever been used, but I wasn't going to use it for drinks! At first it was going into the aluminum scrap pile but then I looked at the lights and the container and said WAIT.
 I filled the container about half way with play sand, you could use marbles, rocks or something else to give it some weight, then I grabbed my trusty glue gun

Step 2: Rocket Science Part

I put a couple dabs of glue on the bottom of the lamp "globe" and positioned it on the container mouth and then ran a smooth bead of glue around the base of the "globe" to fully attach it and hopefully seal it from weather.

Step 3: Push Back the Dark

With a fully charged battery this little lamp gives off an amazing amount of light, place it in your garden or on a patio table where it can get lots of sunlight during the day and you're ready to push back a small patch of the dark