Introduction: Multi Terrain Penny Skateboard Cruiser
Sweet little ride I recently finished - a heavily modified Penny Board that rides over multiple terrain types - works great with my landpaddle.
Big and small wheels give a smooth ride but do not get stuck or jam when going up pretty high curbs - twin axles make for a smoooooth ride and help to step over uneven ground..
Step 1: Be Flexible - Not!
A polycarbonate stiffener underneath makes for a more responsive turn with the twin trucks and stops too much flex in the board - a foot rest extension makes for a comfortable ride position, plus aids the turning
Step 2: Cool Junk
Know it is a little hard to see but there is a collar between the truck and the twin axle metal - this is the center from some old bearings that came with a board and where shot to hell - they make great spacers though so don't throw away ya bits n bobs.