Introduction: Upgrade Your Egg to Mech!

About: I'm Mario Caicedo Langer (M.C. for short), a Colombian STEAM educator living in Azerbaijan, BSc in Naval Sciences, Master in Toy Design, and former Navy officer. I am a CAD and 3D Printing enthusiast and an ar…

In Easter you can see eggs of all kinds: painted eggs, decorated eggs, chocolate eggs, candy eggs, boiled eggs, and so on.

So, I wanted to make something different with my eggs, so I created a Mech Egg!

For building it, I used plastic parts from toys and two piano keys. The egg base was made with a deodorant cap.

This instructable has two parts:

  1. How to make the Mech body (motionless) to use it as eggcup (WARNING: this is a prototype and uses plastic junk from different sources. Food safety is not guaranteed.)
  2. How to install an electric motor to transform it into a VibroMech Egg!

I'm participating in the Egg Contest. If you like my instructable, your vote will be very appreciated!

(Here is a previous instructable using a plastic egg, just in case you need more ideas)

Step 1: Materials

You can find most of the materials from broken toys. Even from a toy gun I got the motor and some cables, and the triggers from four guns where used as pincers for the robot.

So basically, I need the following items:

  • Deodorant cap
  • 4 plastic triggers from toy guns
  • 2 piano keys
  • 2 blue covers for electric sockets
  • 1 chair from R/C car
  • 1 plastic box for earplugs
  • 4 iron long pieces
  • 1 3V motor
  • 1 switch
  • 1 AA batteries holder
  • bolts, screws and iron washers
  • Assorted plastic pieces from toys.
  • Super glue


  • Dremel rotary tool
  • pliers
  • screwdrivers
  • hot glue gun
  • soldering iron

Step 2: Pincers

I found two plastic pieces from a R/C car, and they look very suitable for the arms, so I drilled them and attached the triggers using bolts and screws, to make them look like pliers.

Step 3: Egg's Cockpit

Using a screw, I attached the deodorant cap to the plastic chair. Then I drilled a hole in each side, to attach the arms using screws and bolts.

Step 4: Legs

I attached a socket cover (foot) to an end of each piano key, and I attached the iron pieces to the middle of the keys.

Step 5: Attaching the Legs

Before drilling the holes, I had to check where was the best place to put the legs. I tested with a boiled egg, to verify the center of gravity of the mech, even considering the installation of batteries and motor. After that, I attached the legs using screws and bolts.

Step 6: Time to Test It for Breakfast!

Why everytime I use the kitchen, it has to become a mess?

After eating the egg, it was time for the second upgrade: VibroMech Egg!

Step 7: Motor Backpack

The mechanism works with a basic electric circuit: batteries are connected to a motor and a switch in one of the cables activates the mech.

I modified an earplugs plastic box to house the motor, and I drilled some holes to pass through the cables.The motor was fixed inside the box using hot glue. The switch was installed in the clip of the box.

Step 8: Attaching the Electric Circuit

Using screws and some hot glue, I attached the motor backpack and the batteries holder to the back of the mech.

Step 9: Unbalanced Weight

I fixed a plastic knob to the motor plastic attachment, and I inserted a screw in the knob, to add some weight.

I attached the unbalanced weigth to the motor.

I placed a new boiled egg in the cockpit and I painted a "revenge" face on it. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Enjoy your eggs!