Introduction: Valentine Lighting Ping Pong Heart

About: I enjoy using my hands to create something and then share it!!!!!
BE my valentine!!!!! such a magical day where everybody fall in love!!! :s

Thank you commercials!!!

I did this light sculpture with ping pong balls and red led!!

Step 1: Stick Ping Pong Balls

You need to begin by the shape so the heart.
Stick ping pong balls is easy, it needs to be patient but it dries fast.

Step 2: LED Circuit

I used domino to create circuit because I hadn't any iron solder!!!

I sticked leds with glue!!!

Enjoy to do it for your love or not !!!! ;)

Step 3: Finally

I don't put a led in each ping pong balls because I hadn't enough red leds and no iron solder!!!

Enjoy this instructables!!!

More coming soon!!!

For french go on