Introduction: Ribba Word Clock With Wemos D1 Mini (Internet Time Server)
I guess everyone comes to the point where it tickles in his fingers and he wants to build a Word Clock. Well this is my attempt and my overall conclusion to build it as efficient as possible.
First of all i do own myself a 3D Printer and have access to a Lasercutter and Vynil Cutter which makes life much more easier if you start with this project, but it is still possible without any of these but it will take much more time and of course you have to do alot by hand.
This one uses no RTC (Real Time Clock) it connects directly with Wifi to a NTP Server and gets the correct time.
Step 1: Ribba Word Clock With Wemos D1 Mini (Internet Time Server)
will post a better Video when i have time to produce one :)
Step 2: Part List
- o Wemos D1 Mini
- o WS2812B 5050 5V 60LED/m non-waterproof, 144 LEDs are need for my layout, so it would be 3m and you will have some LEDs spare, not a bad thing trust me)
- o 1000uF Capacitor to the LED stripe to avoid a burnout risk
- o 470 Ohm resistor to add to the Dataline between the Wemos and the LED Stripe
- o IKEA Ribba 230x230 Frame
Step 3: LED Strip Test
In this Sketch i used the NeoPixel Library to address the LEDs so first try to run the Strandtest example from the library to see if everything is wiring correctly and working.
Before you cut the LEDs into 12 piece long strips and solder them.
After you cut and soldered them, you probably wanna test them again if you did everything correct.
Keep the Power Plug Close to you if anything goes wrong :)
The Wemos and the LEDs will take less than 300mA in total if it is running on regular base (As not all LEDs are turned on when the Time will be displayed)
If you run the Startup
Step 4:
Step 5: Wiring Everything Up
Wire it up as in the plan.
470Ohm Resistor between Wemos and Data Line of the Strip
1000uF Capacitor before the LED Strip (5v and G)
Wemos Pin D8 to Data of the LED
The LED Strip has to be wired as the Arrows Show in the Picture, you will find them on the strip too.
5V and Ground doesnt need to be in the correct order.
BUT THE DATA LINE has to follow the ARROWS!
Step 6: Getting the Sketch Up and Running
Everything is preconfigured all you have todo is to solder the Dataline to PIN 8 and add your SSID credentials.
At the Startup it will connect to the Internet and get the correct time.
Then it will run a simpleStrand test to Show that everything is working (If you wanna disable that on Startup just uncomment "test();" in the Sketch at the Setup.
Step 7: Inlay and Lasercutting
Here is my Layout for the WordClock its a modified Version from the RIBBA Word Clock that can be found here on instructables.
While the Lasercutting was in progress i quickly made an inlay for the wemos and stuff, its surely not the best design but it works and keeps the stuff at its place.
Step 8: 3D Printing the Baffles
A friend of mine did modify the Baffle for me so its one Piece and has some spacings at the end for the LED Stripes. Else the baffle wouldn't fit perfectly ontop of the LEDs.
You Need a Printer with at least 200x200 to print that model.