Introduction: Z Probe for 3018 Pro
I wanted to mill PCBs on mei 3018 Pro but it had no Z Probe Pin.
Because I couldn't find any Instructions how to do it, i made in myself.
- Solder Iron
- Wire Stripper
- Wire Cutter
- Thin wire (or better an enamelled copper wire)
Step 1: Z Probe Pin
The CNC runs on GRBL 1.1 so I found the right Pin where the Z Probe should be connectet to.
My CNC Controller Board had an ATMega328 so the Z Probe should be connected on Pin 28 (SDA)
Step 2: Pull Up
To prevent the Z-Probe from triggering in an undefined way, a pull up resistor is needed.
I used an 4,7kOhm Resistor. The Resistor is Solderd between Pin 28 and VCC of the ATMega. (see Picture)
Step 3: Connect
The Z Probe can be connected between Pin28 and GND. There is no need to change the Firmware.
Only on GRBLControl I needed to add a command for the Z-Probe: "G38.2 Z-1 F1; G92 Z0"
The last fracture of the command sets the Z Axis of the Machine on zero. There you can change the thickness of your Probe.