Introduction: Add Lightsabers to Your Pictures

its everyones dream to have a lightsaber,
unfortunatly science doesnt know how to make a fully functional lightsaber
but after this tutorial you will be able to make lightsabers with your eyes closed

Step 1: First Lightsaber Program

it is actually a quite simple proccess

first get a picture of somebody wearing some stick wich you can convert into a lightsaber and import it into paint shop pro
i used the picture everyone seems to be using.

NOTE if you dont have paint shop pro then go download a trial, it a very cool program and multi functional not just lightsabers

at you can download a trial of corel paint shop pro x2

first go to layers new and make it transparent

then pick your pen tool and draw a line along the stick

rename your line layer core

duplicate it and make the duplicate have the name glow

get your filling tool and fill up the line the color you want at the glow layer im making green

move your core layer above the glow layer

duplicate glow 2 times

click on 1 of your copy's and go to adjust blur gaussian blur

set radius 5

again other layer radius 10

again last layer radius 15
you will need to fool around with this a bit

congratulations you just made a lightsaber with paint shop pro

Step 2: 2nd Lightsaber Method

im sorry i dont have any pics but its fairly easy

ok this method involves lsmaker it totaly free but its slow and it isnt very precise

first download it here and in the rar file open the map lsmaker
select lsmaker.exe and it will boot the program

choose the language

then do file-> new

it will ask you to choose the blade color, i like green.jpg
then it will ask you for the saber blade, me like blade 2
after that you will need to import the picture and press ok

then in the pic left click for the start of the blade and right click for the end

press k for a preview

mess a little with every setting

export to bmp