Introduction: Children's Light Switch Tool
my 4 year old daughter cannot reach the bathroom light switch at night; my wife or I have to get up to turn the light on.
make a light switch tool that allows my daughter to turn the bathroom light on and off
Step 1: Materials Required
chibitronics tape (copper tape with conductive adhesive)
chibitronics diode
duct tape
paper, pen, scissors
lime green acrylic
cr2032 battery(1 dollar for a pack of 10 at IKEA)
Step 2: Draw Your Prototype
draw a diagram of what you want to make, drawing is a fast, easy way to generate prototype variations; this is the best book I've found related to drawing for insight:
Step 3: Create the Circuit Wiring
place the copper strip with conductive adhesive on your device
Step 4: Add the Diode
place the chibitronics diode so it matches up with your copper tape I made a short circuit which I then modified by cutting and adding copper tape (its about making it easy to do and then modifying rather than trying to get everything perfect the first time).
Step 5: Add a Battery
add the cr2032 battery to your circuit
Step 6: Duct Tape the Battery
duct tape battery in place
Step 7: Modify the Circuit
add copper tape to circuit and back of wand
Step 8: Creat and Add a Switch
add duct tape which will hold paper switch add copper to back of paper switch
Step 9: Test
now, when the button is pressed, the diode light comes on and my daughter can see and activate the bathroom light switch
I made this at techshop chandler