Introduction: How to Make Your Keyboard Look As Good As New.
Hey and welcome to my first instructable. :)
In this instructable i will show you how to take apart your keyboard and clean it.
NOTE - every keyboard is different so some parts of this instructable will be different to what you do.
In this instructable i will show you how to take apart your keyboard and clean it.
NOTE - every keyboard is different so some parts of this instructable will be different to what you do.
Step 1: Tools Needed.
These are the tools you will be using when taking apart and cleaning your keyboard.
- Keyboard
- Some thing to put the keys in ( I used the platic covers off them packs of 50 dvd's)
- A cross head screwdriver
- Washing up liquid
- An old tooth brush
- Something to take the keys off ( I used a pci slot cover )
- Keyboard
- Some thing to put the keys in ( I used the platic covers off them packs of 50 dvd's)
- A cross head screwdriver
- Washing up liquid
- An old tooth brush
- Something to take the keys off ( I used a pci slot cover )
Step 2: Take Pictures.
I recomend you should take pictures of the keyboard so when you put it back together you dont have to geuss where all the keys go.
P.S when taking the pictures press the marro button these will make a world of difference to your photos.
P.S when taking the pictures press the marro button these will make a world of difference to your photos.
Step 3: Taking the Keys Off.
Now take your pci slot cover and put it under your key and slowly push down until you hear a click. Be carefull when taking out spae,enter and shift because they have a metal bar under them, take note when removing these keys so you will know how to put them back on later.
Step 4: Taking the Keyboard Apart.
Now turn the keyboard upside-down and remove all the screws. Now turn it over and seperrate the two halfs of the keyboard. Then set the bottom half aside for now.
Step 5: Cleaning the Key Board !
Now fill a sink about 1/4 way with water and then add the washing up liquid. Throw in the keys and leave them in there while you clean the top half of the keyboard. After cleaning the top half of the keybpard put it somewhere to dry overnight.
Step 6: Cleaning the Keys.
Now take the keys out of the sink and put them back in the bowl and put it under a running tap for around 10 minutes. When putting the tap on dont open it to much or the keys will flow out of the bowl and go down the drain. After around ten minitues drain the water from the bowl and place it somewhere to dry overnight.
Step 7: Putting the Keyboard Back Together.
Now take the keys and keyboard and see if they are dry enough if they are take the bottom half of the keyboard and place the top half on it. Then turn it over and place all the screws back into place.
Step 8: Putting the Keys Back On.
Now go to the pictures you took in step 2. Then put the keys back into there proper places.
P.S shift.enter and space bar have metal tabs underneath them so dont forget to put them in place ;) .
P.S shift.enter and space bar have metal tabs underneath them so dont forget to put them in place ;) .
Step 9: Finished.
Now youve finally finished, so plug it into your computer and hope it still works ;).