Introduction: Iron Necklace
A simple necklace, made of iron wire
Step 1: Material and Tools
you just need a mandrel, snippers, round nose and flat pliers
Step 2: Coil Making
make a coil around the mandrel (can be iron, wood or any material), don't need to be precise
Step 3: Cut Circles
cut a series of almost 2 coils (or one and three quarter coils)
Step 4: Circles on End
with round nose pliers make a circle at both extremities
Step 5: Bend
with flat nose pliers bend the coil twice at half circle lenght
Step 6: Insertion
now let them enter in each other the way you see in the picture
Step 7: Close the Circle
close the circle so that it grasps the bend
Step 8: Catch
when you've added enough pieces, add a ring and a hook for closure
Step 9: Variant
instead of interlocking the pieces, if the end circle is wide enough, you can connect each piece with a small ring.
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